Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Total Lunar eclipse 16 Juni 2011 | photo

The total lunar eclipse ( gerhana bulan total ) this time to be unique because the events will take place in a long time, starting at 01:25 am until 5:04 pm.
Bosscha Observatory Director, Hakim L Malasan says a total lunar eclipse event this year will occur twice, on June 16 and December 10, 2011.

People who want to see the events page to access the Bosscha Observatory in www.bosscha.itb.ac.id because of observations made ​​using modern telescopes that will be broadcast live via the Internet.

The impact of this total eclipse of the moon to the earth at sea tides. Eclipse can also be witnessed by residents of other countries around Indonesia to Micronesia and India.

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