Saturday, June 18, 2011

Irfan bachdim marry with Jennifer Kurniawan, July

Irfan Bachdim footballer soon marry his girlfriend, Jenifer Kurniawan in July 2011. It is spoken by Jenifer Bachdim when met at the studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Friday (06/17/2011). "We're going to get married, exactly next month," said Jennifer happy.

It's just that unfortunately, the bloody Indonesian-German model is still reluctant to mention the exact date of his marriage with Irfan. "I want to talk baseball what date yet, because we want any baseball reporter who covered our wedding," he said.

The reason for the couple's 2-year relationship romance, not the affairs of troubled marriage because he wanted to do a wedding with reverence. "We want to get married quietly, without any interference from others. Because of that special day, a day which we will relive a lifetime," he said.

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