Thursday, September 15, 2011

VIDEO. Angel (malaikat) in Cilandak Town Square Jakarta | citos

This YouTube video about a foreign object that landed in Cilandak Town Square (Citos), Jakarta. Experts also spoke about the excitement. The apparition of foreign object was like an angel (malaikat) coming down from the sky.

Videos that have got hit as many as 116 820 (when the news is written) is a cursory look very real advance Citos purportedly recorded from the CCTV. Observers telematics Abhimanyu Wachjoewidajat any analysis of the video URL address these

At first glance look very real and people who see to believe because it seems quite natural, especially a group of people who seemed to see it running to the site. However, if studied in telematics, it looks awkward.

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